Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Snip, Snip a Roo

So tonight, Mommy made good on her promise that she would cut Mackenzie's hair when she turned 2 years old. Mackenzie was so good through the whole process that I didn't even get sad thinking about how big she is that she needs a hair cut!!! She definatly enjoyed sitting in the car, watching Dora and blowing bubbles....the true kiddie spa services!! And I will admit her hair looks so cute now - nice and even, full and curly. Although I was a bit shocked when the stylist told me her hair was dry and needed conditioner.....she finally has enough hair to warrant a hair cut and it is dry already?? (and fyi - finding a no tear kiddie conditioner for curly hair was not as easy as you would think - nothing like miles of selections adults have). Anyway - here is the photo timeline of the big hair cut....

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