Tuesday, October 28, 2008

MY Candy

So this past weekend, our little pirate (aka Captian Feathersword of Wiggles fame)attended two Halloween activities - the Bettendorf parade & Boo @ the Zoo with friends.
These activities have thus resulted in a substantial amount of candy for one young girl (who LOVES to eat it too!) Tonight, I found Jamey on the couch surrounded by wrappers and when I asked what he was doing, the response was "sharing Mackenzie's Halloween candy". When I gave him an odd look, he further clarified "it is proportionate to size". ha ha.

But I suppose Daddy is allowed some candy, due to the tough few days he has had. His grandma and grandpa (from different sides of the family) both passed away late last week, so the past few days have been crazy busy with services, family and the like.

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