Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Conversation with Mackenzie...

So our baby Einstein exersaucer has been on loan to baby Ava, but was returned to us today. I had it in the backseat of my car as Mackenzie and I drove home. I knew as soon as she saw it, she would be thrilled at the latest toy for her babies. Her is a snippet of our conversation:

Mackenzie: "Dis go inside my house? to play with?"

Mommy: "yes. it will go in the house. Who can use it?"

Mackenzie: "I don't know!"

Mommy: "Can Foster use it?"

Mackenzie: " No, Foster silly. Too big!"

Mommy: "Can kitty use it?" (remembering how the cat loved to lounge underneath it)

Mackenzie: "No kitty!"

Mommy: "Can Mackenzie use it?"

Mackenzie: "YES! I play in it. And my babies."

Mommy: "Can Mommy play in it?"

Mackenzie: "Oh no! Mommy, you too big. You no play in it." repeats in a louder voice "No Mommy too big!" (guess there is more motivation for dieting - I am too big for the exersaucer)

"No Daddy play."

Mommy: "Mackenzie, it is a toy for BABIES. You are too big"

Mackenzie: "Yeah - I big girl, no baby. Wear underwears like Gracie."

(please note she may wear underwear, but not many of you know - she flushed a poopy pair of Dora panties down the toilet this weekend, then stood over the toilet yelling "Dora, where you go?" The septic tank had to love that.)

Mackenzie Jean, pictured here enjoying the hotly discussed Exersaucer two years ago (almost to the day! - thanks to digital photo stamping) how time flies.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy "Balentine" Day

Hope you a fun day - and Happy Birthday Jessie!!

Even cousin/nephew Will shows his festive side with a borrowed touch of flair!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why so Serious?

Mackenzie is inspired by the Joker during art time at day care.
Or she is attempting to grow a handlebar moustache at a very young age...