Sunday, August 10, 2008

Night Night

So we took a brief overnight trip to Chicago this weekend, to visit Brookefield Zoo & Shedd Aquarium and had a wonderful time!! It was a bit of an adjustment for all of us - Mackenzie wasn't thrilled with all the stroller/sitting time, Jamey wasn't thrilled with lack of picture taking time and Cara wasn't thrilled with having to prod Jamey along and entertain Mackenzie in the meantime.....but we made it work, enjoyed ourselves and came home with nice memories and GREAT pictures!!! (which we will get to later).

Anyway, this was Mackenzie's 3rd time staying in a hotel - the last time was when she was 5.5 monthes old, so we knew this was going to be a bit interesting for her. We had a two room suite and had set up the Pack-n-Play in the front room for her. After swimming with Daddy and a bath, she knew it was time for night night. She told us night night, then walked her happy little butt into the bedroom, climbed in, laid down RIGHT in the middle of the king size and stayed put for 30 mintues

....before coming out to check on us. The sleeping only occurred after some cuddling with Mommy (but was too cute not to photograph).
We were impressed with how well she did and that she actually slept, as she is QUITE partial to ONLY going to sleep in HER crib.

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