Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mission Accomplished

C: "Honey, I suspect the cat is expressing her displeasure with the litter services."
cat in laundry room, curiously digging in pile of clothes awaiting for washer
J: "I just cleaned that box not too long ago!"
enters and begins rummaging through pile of clothes.
J: "Bitch" holding up shirt as cat turds fall out, checks label "And of course, it is mine."
C - snickering, walks away. "mission accomplished for the cat"

meanwhile, kitty perched on dining room table watching interaction unfold.

Fast forward 15 minutes - cat is now perched on Jamey's suitcase for work.
J: "We don't really need a cat anway, do we?"

FYI - Jamey's Cardinals shirt was already packed away for weekend trip to Chicago.

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