Sunday, August 19, 2007

Vacation at Lake of the Ozarks

Once again this year, we were incredibly fortunate to be invited to join our good friends Mat & Sarah at the family cabin on the Lake of the Ozarks in MO. As always, we had an amazing time together - playing, relaxing, boating, swimming and hanging out. I am always surprised at how happy and blissful it is to be there and disconnected from the rest of the world - no internet, cell phone service or other obligations. This year, the area was baking in 100+ temperatures with incredibly high heat indexes - which did limit our outdoor activities but not our fun! Even the dogs tired quickly when playing out in the sweltering heat - and they LOVE to swim! Mackenzie loves the water too - she likes to kick her legs as she floats along, but is not too fond of her life jacket (not that I can blame her - I wouldn't want to be packed into it either but it is a necessary evil.) While we were there - she also cut TWO teeth (probably because Jamey was teasing that she would fit right in with the locals and their tooth counts!) She also worked very hard to pull herself up on anything and everything around. I think she really likes this new elevated perspective on everything, even if she is a little unsure how to get herself out of it! We are now home and quickly came back to reality - as school starts for me tommorrow. However, we have fond memories and pictures to rely upon until next time!

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