Saturday, September 12, 2009

jump for joy

a bounce house was the PERFECT way to celebrate nephew Walker's birthday (and the first Saturday of Hawkeye football!!!)

of course, the real "big kids" had to try it out"Hey kids - check this out" says Jamey.

"I can not and will not compete with Jamey's gymnastics", says Cara.

After Mackenzie and my turn in the bounce house, my 80+ year old Grammy says "oh honey, you should have seen it - everytime you jumped, you would knock poor Mackenzie down because you are so big." Gee thanks, Gram. I don't think she meant it that way. (she was not out to watch Jamey's entire house shacking antics).

This sign was noted and promptely ignored, although Jamey and I did find the graphic for overweight commical. In case you were wondering, the bounce house survived with no problem.

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