A story about a naughty little girl:
Driving home at dusk the other night - going 55 mph on 2 lane country road leading to our house - oncoming traffic, along with cars behind-making pulling over to stop impossible - 2.5 year old blond subject takes her seat belt off. With no other choice,the driver says a quick prayer and keeps driving. After repeated requests from Mommy to please get back in her seat and put the seat belt back on - of which, she refuses - Mommy makes a pretend phone call to the police about a little girl that broke the law and needs to go to jail.
At first, said little girl found it funny - until Mommy began to explain what would happen in jail. Such things as no toys, no rainbow blankie, no Mommy's and Daddy's, no chocolate milk, no treats, no friends. Eventually the gravity of the situation sunk in and subject announced "I don't want to go to jail" and began to cry.
Learning opportunity was seized to discuss what being a good girl means (KEEPING YOUR SEAT BELT ON AT ALL TIMES) and how to avoid jail time. Let us all hope this lesson has been internalized for rest of her lifetime.
It was reported that subject informed day care provider and friends today about what happens when you go to jail.
Illustrative photos were from Feb of this year, hence why subject looks a bit younger. She and Daddy were enjoying trying out his new set of handcuffs for duty.