Monday, September 28, 2009

Celebrating Grandma Jane

In honor of Grandma Jane's birthday over the weekend, a parade was held.

The parade was quite the event (as you can see), with many musical participants.
And of course the celebration also included candles, singing and cake.

MAckenzie has been very into "what kind" of party Grandma was having - probably because she is used to going to different types of parties for her friends. And "what number" Grandma was turning. The answer to both questions - pizza & parade party and #61. Happy Birthday Jane.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Approximately a year ago, Mackenzie was the one being walked in her leash.

Now it is Parker.

And Mackenzie was ALL TOO EAGER to help walk her friend Parker around.

In her words, "I got it, Sarah".

Thankfully, Parker was a good sport.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcoming baby Cael

So good friend KB welcomed baby boy Cael earlier this month. Mackenzie and I finally made it up to meet Cael this past week and suffice to say, Mackenzie was enamored with her new friend.

Mackenzie was always within close distance of Cael, and offered him many soft kisses. As she held him, she also exclaimed "him loves me!"

Mackenzie also enjoyed Cael's puppy friend, Farley aka "Sparky" as well.

I love this shot of all of the kids, "Sparky" included. Many years ago, it was just these kids mothers hanging out together.....

Saturday, September 19, 2009


So good friend Vicki and I have taught together, next door to each other, for many years. For some reason, the students are ALWAYS getting us confused. Occassionally, parents and other staff members will refer to us as the other as well. We continue to be baffled by this, as we don't consider ourselves to look very similar. But we are good friends, and often together at school and outside of school. The students tell us it is because we are always together. Anyway, the highlight of our doppleganger existance occured this past week when Vicki was shopping at the grocery store and was followed by two students (who we did NOT have in class, but went thru our school) who kept calling "Hi Mrs. F" to her. In Vicki's words, she nicely informed them that she was Mrs. H and Mrs. F was probably at home, but thanks for saying hello. After the correction, they did correctly call her Mrs. H when they saw her throughout the store. But I believe the comment she said to me was "Jeez - even kids we didn't have can't keep us straight!" Regardless of who I am called, I am grateful to have such a good friend at work! :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

she works hard for the $$...

and looks good doing it, I might add! And considering my allergies, I personally think the goggles for vacuuming are an ingenious idea!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

dancing in her dreams

Please note this picture was taken at 7 am.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Walker....not quite walking yet

Walker turned the big numero uno this past week. Not quite walking yet, still a little on steady on his feet - as pictured.

But no big deal - the big kids quickly adjusted to bring him in on their fun.

I was trying to get a pic of Kate and her boys, yet Mackenzie insisted on being a part of it too. Walker didn't mind though - he cracks me up as he tries to sneak a handful of her hair!

too cool

Mackenzie borrowed the shades from Daddy when we went to feed the ducks today. She also picked out and paid for her loaf of bread all by herself.

More pics to follow, but I am currently holding them hostage from my sister until she uploads the ones I am waiting on from her.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

jump for joy

a bounce house was the PERFECT way to celebrate nephew Walker's birthday (and the first Saturday of Hawkeye football!!!)

of course, the real "big kids" had to try it out"Hey kids - check this out" says Jamey.

"I can not and will not compete with Jamey's gymnastics", says Cara.

After Mackenzie and my turn in the bounce house, my 80+ year old Grammy says "oh honey, you should have seen it - everytime you jumped, you would knock poor Mackenzie down because you are so big." Gee thanks, Gram. I don't think she meant it that way. (she was not out to watch Jamey's entire house shacking antics).

This sign was noted and promptely ignored, although Jamey and I did find the graphic for overweight commical. In case you were wondering, the bounce house survived with no problem.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

our little clown (insert joke here)

She really did enjoy the clown face painting, honest! And was THRILLED to select the rainbow mullet wig as well. Just didn't feel like smiling for the picture, apparently.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

no more room @ the Inn

in preparations for the upcoming holidays, the Little People manger undergoes some renovations, courtesy of resident handi-girl Mackenzie Jean.

this is how she choose to entertain herself for quite some time, as Daddy worked on the new flooring in the basement (these toys were put away in storage)

please note how scratched up all the screws are from her attempts to work on them!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


So as you can see, Mackenzie loves popcorn!

Friday, September 4, 2009

for the scrapbookers....

Especially Amy & Sara, who I know will get a kick out of how I documented Mackenzie's first leash experience in her be viewed for the rest of her life. My inspiration?? The facebook piece of flair Sara sent last summer that said "Free the Leash Kids". I then wrote her and said "what makes you think my kid is on a leash?" (the families had not met yet - we were just fbook buddies). She responded "because I know her mother!"

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"I don't want to go to jail"

A story about a naughty little girl:
Driving home at dusk the other night - going 55 mph on 2 lane country road leading to our house - oncoming traffic, along with cars behind-making pulling over to stop impossible - 2.5 year old blond subject takes her seat belt off. With no other choice,the driver says a quick prayer and keeps driving. After repeated requests from Mommy to please get back in her seat and put the seat belt back on - of which, she refuses - Mommy makes a pretend phone call to the police about a little girl that broke the law and needs to go to jail.

At first, said little girl found it funny - until Mommy began to explain what would happen in jail. Such things as no toys, no rainbow blankie, no Mommy's and Daddy's, no chocolate milk, no treats, no friends. Eventually the gravity of the situation sunk in and subject announced "I don't want to go to jail" and began to cry.

Learning opportunity was seized to discuss what being a good girl means (KEEPING YOUR SEAT BELT ON AT ALL TIMES) and how to avoid jail time. Let us all hope this lesson has been internalized for rest of her lifetime.

It was reported that subject informed day care provider and friends today about what happens when you go to jail.

Illustrative photos were from Feb of this year, hence why subject looks a bit younger. She and Daddy were enjoying trying out his new set of handcuffs for duty.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

the Pampered Chef: MJ version

Because some things apparently just taste better when prepared topless.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mackenzie Monster

This was Mackenzie's idea of a good time the other night - in fact, even requesting I go get the camera to capture her funny faces! She had way too much fun making goofy faces and then looking at the pictures. Lord only knows what she was thinking.