Wednesday, August 5, 2009

working for the hee-haul

So short story version is that we were in Iowa City this past weekend (more on that to follow), but due to move-in @ the University - there were TONS of Uhaul trucks in Iowa City and none in Bettendorf - in particular, at the Argo store. So got the opportunity to transfer some equipment with us on our way home. Probably nothing major, but please rememeber - I have never driven a Uhaul myself and we did have Mackenzie to think about as well. As seen below, Mackenzie loves "hee-hauls" in theory but was none to keen about the ride in one {even though it meant she got to ride up front (with air bag shut off)}. She was quite enthralled with the towing of the car beind us - seen below, her supervising of the loading of the car.

Getting her toys settled in the cab.
What I hoped my Uhaul would not look like upon arrival in Bettendorf.

Mommy made it safe and sound!

Mackenzie and Daddy in their truck -
obviously, someone is a little bit more excited about the road trip.

Ironically - i have been wanting/planning to get a picture of Mackenzie with a Uhaul so I could blog/scrapbook about "hee-haul" so this provided the perfect photo opp for that story!!

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