Remember that supermarket game show from the early 90's where players had to race through the aisles and fill their carts with the maximum monetary amount in set designated time?? (My sister and I used to love to watch and discuss how we would do it - although we always argued about which one of us would go for the sweep. If we would have the opportunity now - I would HAPPILY let Kate do the, Kate. :) ) Anyway - that is what these pics remind me of due to the presence of shopping cart. Now for the story behind them....this is 100% all Mackenzie. She did this to herself. The only thing I can take credit for is the hair styling.
Went to the garage and got her shopping cart, put her socks and shoes on and asked to go play on the deck with the shopping cart, conveniently forgetting to put on shorts (and with her underwear on backwards and one sock inside out, I might add).
These are definatly being filed away for future embarassment with potential suitors! However, I am quite happy that these were taken on day #2 of her insisting to wear big girl panties and keeping them dry.
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