Thursday, July 16, 2009

Church School

So this week, Mackenzie attended Vacation Bible School at our neighborhood church. This was her first time and she LOVED it!!!!!!! All we have heard about from her is her church school activities, teachers, friends, lessons, etc. She is going to be so sad when she realizes it is over. But I am SO HAPPY that she had a wonderful time, did well and learned something in the process.

A Bit hesitant on her first day....

With her special helper friend...
with two of her favorite teachers

entering the special parent program

This was Mackenzie's prefered performance method...stand and look cute, suck on buttons on her shirt.

lots of dancing and singing
When she had enough - she went and sat with another one of the volunteers

Even if she didn't participate well tonight - it was well worth it, when earlier this week she told me "she prays because God is in her heart". awwwww. And i am hoping I can get some pictures of her with the different craft projects they did as well, so there may be more to follow...

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