Sunday, May 31, 2009


This post is especially for my long distance, old friend and fellow scrapbooker Sara.

Saturday, I (Cara aka Mommy) attended an all day scrapbooking event, where I attemted to create greatness in the form of scrapbook pages from our trips as the PF family to the Lake of the Ozarks. The following are pictures of some of the pages I created, including the one that was selected as the winner for "Best Use of Tools & Techniques"!!

So the quiz question is: what one do YOU think is the winner???

(Sara - you can email or text me your guess if you want to play)

And I do apologize for poor picture quality, as it is especially hard to photograph scrapbook pages - even with a little helper.

And regardless of winning status, I was happy to get so much progress done on the album along with having a great day with some of my favorite scrapbookers! :) ....Even if I am now currently fighting with blogger to upload my pics with the correct orientation. GRR. (hence the possiblity of sideways pics)

the whole kit 'n'caboodle

After taking the lipstick pictures, I realized we had really good light coming in from the window - so an impromptu photo shoot was staged with the whole kit'n'caboodle at our house (as seen in the updated pics on the side).
This out-take cracks me up, as Mackenzie struggles to hold the large and not so happy kitty, while Foster takes the opportunity to give his kitty friend an intimate sniff hello.
Just another day in our household.....


Ever since wearing make-up for her dance recital, Mackenzie has been very into it. She is seen here, applying her lipstick.

How the tongue is required for proper lipstick application, I am unsure.

Either way, the lipstick application received the seal of approval from Foster.

Monday, May 25, 2009

My Favorite Princesses

Presenting the "My Favorite Princess" skit, brought to you by my child and auxillorary children, otherwise known as the PF family.

Sleeping Beauty (or "Booty" as Mackenzie calls her), complete with feather boa, being played by Grace Bella
Snow White, being played by Mackenzie Jean

Princess Jasmine, being played by Parker James (who did NOT wish to be left out of the girls' fun!!)

It was a spectacular performance!!

The Races

Following the day's theaterical performance, the drag races will begin....

Sometimes aided by a little help from Jamey....

Especially during the difficult "mountain" (according to the girls) portion of the race.

Foster lends supervision assistance. They are all winners in our book!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

what is this and why did we take a picture of it, you ask....

Why it is a "toilethouse" according to Mackenzie, who finds them incredibly funny and likes to look for them while we are driving. Why, I don't know. How she learned what it was, I have no idea. But as you can see - she was quite thrilled to get to see one up close. We did however pass on the opportunity to take her INSIDE said toilethouse...wouldn't want to ruin the illusion and her fun too soon. :)

PS - big girl is 2.5 years old on Saturday (when this picture was taken)....a bit ironic if you think about it, as she will be HOPEFULLY fully potty trained by next birthday.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Prima Ballerina

Mackenzie Jean will be making her big stage debut later today, dancing to "I Love Being a Princess". Here she is all ready to go to dress rehearsal...complete with required stage make-up (which mommy had a great time applying!). No photos allowed during performance (much to daddy's dismay) so this might be all you see, but stayed tuned for an update at least of how she did! (i was quite thankful after yesterday's "closed" dress rehearsal when I heard them tell another ballerina's mom that she had refused to dance, instead choosing to stand center stage and pick her nose...let's hope that luck continues today!)


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Who is this BIG Girl?

Dirty face, shaggy hair (and lots of it!), sassy attitude. ....
where has my BABY gone?!?!??!

Either way - she is "otterly adorable"....ha ha. :)
(you can't see it, but that is on her shirt from the DBQ water museum)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Yes, we let Mackenzie play with tape runner craft gun, that is!!!!

HAMS'ers: this is for you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mackenzie's Outside Art Gallery: Chalk version

So the Easter Bunny brought Mackenzie some sidewalk chalk in her basket and she finally got the opportunity to try it out this weekend. It was obviously a hit and she enjoyed making numerous homages to her beloved "rainbow blankie" on the driveway.

Mackenzie's Spring Art Gallery

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

professor spectacle mackenzie

I don't really know the story behind these pics, as I found them on Grandma Sharon's computer, dated from our Vegas trip in March (which now makes me realize I never posted any pics of)...and thought they were too cute not to share.

Monday, May 4, 2009

happy birthday, Sadie Jane!

Since Mackenzie is really into birthdays right now, it only seems fitting to mark one of her favorite people's birthday's today on the blog....our niece, Sadie. As for Mackenzie's love of birthdays, she can and will turn anything into a pretend birthday cake and then bring it you, while singing "Happy Birthday" and ask you to blow out your candles. We have many celebrations around here for Mommy, Daddy, kitty, Foster, dolls, her bath toys, everyday. So you can imagine her excitement in doing the real thing last night for Sadie and beloved Uncle Jon!!!
(photos courtesy of Sharon's computer)

fast friends in 2006 (and one of my all time favorite photos EVER)

Just like the "big kids" in 2009

imagination at play

What is this you ask?

Why it is our "other" puppy, Foster, playing with his toy in the yard.

And here is "Foster" after being told she could no longer crawl through the yard, for fear of bugs, poop etc (and by Daddy no less!).

And lastly, the "real" Foster is very perplexed by the whole situation...

ahh...imagination at play in our young mind. :)

spring showers

spring showers bring....
the change to use our new Dora umbrella, much to someone's delight!!!