Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mackenzie Sound Bytes

Girl Scout Cookie pics (aka "yummy shocolote cookies") seemed appropriate for post with "byte" in title.....

So picture this: tonight, the family is having dinner at the local Rudy's, which was actually quite happening and busy. We were all sitting there, looking at the menu when Mackenzie YELLS at the top of her lungs " Mommy, I can't hear you!!" Jamey and I looked at each other, thinking "huh? No one said anything to you!?!" Then we shrugged our shoulders and went on with our dinner. A day in the life of Mackenzie Jean.
So then we get home, where Mackenzie discovers the new sippies we purchased this weekend - so she is insistant that she must have juice. First she walks around the house, holding the sippies in the package and saying "I need scissors. Where are the scissors?" (like we would really give her the scissors - but hey, she at least can identify the tools to help her!) After said sippy was removed from package, she alternated running back and forth between Jamey and I asking for juice. After 3 requests, I went to get her the juice and loudly asked (for Jamey's benefit) if "Daddy's legs were broken." Mackenzie proceeds to go into the living room and ask Daddy herself if his legs were broken. :)
Not to be outdone, Daddy's response was "ask your mommy if she has hooks in her ass." MAckenzie turns to me and says "oh, Mommy has owies?!" Good girl in not using the word ass! Bad Daddy for even thinking it is funny to say it in her presence - together we told him to not talk potty mouth and be a bad boy. Good use of appropriate language was immediately rewarded with juice in sippy cup.

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