Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Noodles to You!

Welcome to 2009! New year, new look here on the family blog. Hard to believe the pics were almost a year old! When I looked at them, I was amazed at what a baby Mac still looked like...nothing like the sassy girl we deal with dailiy! I was also embarassed at my month hiatus of posts as well, so I do apologize. Unfortunatly, I had the stomach flu and then Mackenzie got croup on Christmas Eve, and she looked so miserable so often - I couldn't bring myself to post a picture. But thankfully, all is better here as we celebrated "happy noodles" according to Mackenzie and are gearing up for the big nupitals this weekend - as "Aunt Jon & Karree" get married!! And I bet you can't guess who the flowergirl is!!!!! (no, it is not Jamey - although he may end up having to go down the aisle with her if necessary) I am DYING to post pics of Mackenzie in her dress, but have decided I will wait until after the wedding. So stay tuned. Above, the cool girl shows off her Dora glasses, which she insisted on wearing all night because I have my glasses on.
PS - bet you can't tell by the look on their faces - but the cat is Mackenzie's newest favorite toy, much to Squirrel's dismay.

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