Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm a LEASH kid now.

Much to Mackenzie's initial dismay and dislike....we have opted to try/use a harness/leash system with her after much protesting about the stroller and her tendency to run away. The trip to the River Museum in Dubuque was the trial run on the whole thing. It probably helped to have Grandma, Grandpa, Jon & Karree along to help and distract her, as she was most displeased when we initally put it on. Gives a whole new meaning to "the monkey on your back" too!! On Facebook - I was sent a piece of flair "free the Leash kids" - so that is all I can think about, as well.

And if you look closely - you will see that Grandpa is standing on the leash to keep her close for the picture. He remarked afterwards "she will probably need therapy b/c Grandpa stands on my leash". :)

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