Thursday, July 31, 2008

everyday is a new adventure....

(hope the pic quality is ok - I took it on my cell phone)
So today, we went to the pool - first time in a while, and as always, Mackenzie had a BLAST!! Granted getting there wasn't so easy - as she refused to wear the first swimsuit we tried and also insisted on putting her own shoes on (the wrong feet, too - i might add). As we were waiting for Gracie/Parker/Sarah to arrive - another little girl came over to play with Mackenzie - and Mackenzie screamed NO, and ran over to me crying! Quite odd behavior for our social butterfly. She insisted on sitting on my lap until Gracie arrived to play. She did go down the BIG slide once with Sarah and then twice by herself (b/c she refused to wait for Sarah to take her)!! But she did do quite well going by herself. She and Gracie went down the smaller slide countless times on their own as well. However, the best moment had to be as we were packing up to leave and Mackenzie ran into the pool, fully clothed (shoes and all) - to the delight of all the other adults (Sarah included, myself EXCLUDED) in the kiddie pool section. No pics of that event. But she didn't seem to mind being all wet on the drive home. Upon arrival at home - I stripped her down to her diaper for her long overdue nap. And a few hours later, was informed "mommy - I pooped." And yes, she had - all over her bed, as she had removed her diaper awhile ago. Now that was a fun time! And this is unfortunatly not the first incident we have had with the naked baby, but the first time poop has been involved. We did however, go out shopping the past few nights to find one piece and/or onsies we could be putting her in to hopefully eliminate the access to her diaper. Shopping - that brings on a whole 'nother story....Mackenzie loves the "buckles" on everything and likes to do them herself. Which lately has meant climbing in and out of her stroller to do and re-do the buckles. Unfortunatly - the past few times - it is has meant more time out of the stroller then in it. And tonight, we had brought along one of her baby's and baby stroller to hopefully keep her occupied (funny side note - this particular baby has a pink bow on it's head and wears a pink tutu. when asked what the baby's name is, her response is "Daddy") In the end, the baby doll (aka "Daddy") ended up riding in the nice, big stroller with Mackenzie pushing it while the big, real Daddy was left carrying the doll's pink stroller and helping to clear a path for the crazy stroller driver that can't see where she is going. I suspect the terrible two's are coming on....meaning it will probably get harder before it gets easier.

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