Monday, April 28, 2008

Mackenzie & her @#$)(*@#$(@#$(&@@#(_$* Ball

So, Mackenzie has been LOVIN' the nice spring weather, as it means she gets to play outside. Which usually consists of blowing bubbles on the front porch, 'tweeting' to the birds and riding her "vroom" (powerwheels) up and down the driveway. Saturday, as Jamey had cleaned the garage - Mackenzie got ahold of an old, dingy, dirty, cast-off volleyball from our long ago time of playing sand volleyball on a team. The volleyball had become one of Foster's outside toys - as it is a little deflated - just enough that he can pick it up with his mouth. Well, Mackenzie was in heaven with her new ball - throwing it, chasing it, kissing it, fighting with Foster for it. Yesterday afternoon, we got home from some errands and as soon as she gets out of the car - she goes immediately to the ball and takes it out on the driveway to play with it. Which is all fine and good. I am standing in the driveway, just watching her. She is running around the driveway, gives one last look at me, laughs and begins to run away down the street at full throttle with her ball! Obviously, no matter how secluded we may be - we do NOT want her playing in the street or running away outside! So I begin to "give chase" - only to stumble on some cracked concrete, roll my ankle and fall over; all as Mackenzie continues to run, laughing the whole time. Somehow, I do manage to limp up to catch her and wrangle her into the house. As I am laying on the couch, about to vomit from the pain throbbing from my ankle, and on the phone with Jamey about what to do - my dear sweet daughter must have known I was sad because she decided it would be a good time to tickle my toes, on my sore foot. And when I didn't put on the normal, hysterically laughing act - she figured she must not be doing it right, as she then grabbed the sore foot to begin to shake it back and forth while yelling "tickle, tickle"!!! Fast forward a few hours and some vicoden later - a trip to ER shows it is not broken, but severly sprained and swollen; so now here I sit, hyped up on some pain pills and limping around for the next few days/weeks....all because of that @#)$*@#()$*@#)*$ BALL!